Home 게시판 커뮤니티 자유게시판 WordPress Events in Seoul

2개 답변, 2 voices Last updated by Avatar of nickbuddennickbudden 12 years, 8 months 전
  • Avatar of nickbuddennickbudden


    I’m a Canadian WordPress designer and developer and have just arrived in Seoul. I was just curious if this community could let me know about any WordPress events (or general web design/development events) in Seoul over the next two months?

    I’d love to connect with other WordPress developers in the city!

    Avatar of 082net082net


    It’s very nice to see you, Canadian WP Lover, here 🙂

    Unfortunately, we don’t have any WP events now, but tring to have a meeting with community members, not developers or designers but all of us are WordPress lovers~.

    We’ll post any new schedule or updates here, please stay tuned while you are in Seoul 🙂

    P.S. Sorry for my English, hope you understand well ^^;

    Avatar of 082net
    Facebook 사용자 모임 그룹 도 함께 운영되고 있으며, 격 주로 미트업과 스터디를 진행하고 있으니 관심 있으신 분들의 많은 참여 바랍니다 🙂
    Avatar of nickbuddennickbudden

    Thanks for the help! I’ll keep an eye out for more events.

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